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Economic and Industry Keynotes

Thursday–June 9, 2011
Opening Keynote Address

The New Economy and What it Means for Small Businesses in the U.S.

Lynn E. Turner
Lynn E. Turner
About this session
Mr. Turner will discuss the trends in U.S. and Global economics that are influencing the U.S. capital markets, how and where investors are allocating their capital, and the returns they may make on those investments.  This includes factors that will impact capital available to U.S. business, including small business, and the competition for this capital from other countries in the global economy. These trends and factors will play a role in future valuations of businesses and the returns they may generate for those who invest in them.

About Mr. Turner
Lynn E. Turner, CPA, has the unique perspective of having been a partner in one of the major international accounting firms, the Chief Accountant of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), and a corporate board member. A noted expert on financial reporting requirements, corporate governance standards, and economic risk, he is an eloquent speaker who gives riveting presentations on every aspect of the financial field and markets.

Turner served as the Chief Accountant of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) from July 1998 to August 2001. As chief accountant, Turner was the principal advisor to the SEC Chairman. The issues dealt with by Turner included the oversight and development of U.S. accounting, disclosure, and auditing standards; the development and coordination of international accounting standards; as well as matters affecting audit committees of public companies. In this capacity Turner worked regularly with Congress, various federal and state government agencies, international regulators, representatives of industry, and the accounting profession. [ Register Now! ]

ThursdayJune 9, 2011
Industry General Sessions

Robert Slee
Robert Slee

Slee is the recipient of the Institute of Business Appraiser's 2011 Dr. Thomas Stanton Memorial Award.
Private Cost of Capital

About this session

Mr. Slee, who authored the ground-breaking textbook Private Capital Markets, will show that capital markets for public companies are not substitutes for private capital markets, and he will provide data gathered in the Pepperdine Private Cost of Capital (PCOC) survey. He will then demonstrate how the PCOC model may be used to estimate cost of capital for private businesses. After completing this session, participants will be able to estimate cost of capital for a wide variety of private companies, based on real-world data gathered from private capital markets.

About Mr. Slee
Mr. Slee, CBA, is the managing director of Robertson & Foley, a middle market investment banking firm in Charlotte, NC. His book Private Capital Markets (John Wiley & Sons, 2004) is now considered the seminal work in finance for private companies. Mr. Slee also wrote Midas Managers™ and Midas Marketing™ to show how private business owners create wealth in a global economy, and he founded MidasNation™, an online community of private business owners. He has authored more than 200 articles on private finance topics.

Mark Nigrini
Mark Nigrini
Benford's Law: The Facts, the Fun, the Future

About this session

Benford’s Law gives the expected patterns of the digits in tabulated data. Nigrini will explain Benford’s Law and summarize his work showing its potential to identify fraud. He will include some interesting applications such as his analysis of the Clinton tax returns and Enron’s reported numbers, as well as his current work which covers earth science data and a new theorem making Benford’s Law applicable to any set of data. The informative and entertaining session will end with a link to the Da Vinci Code. The format will not be similar to a lecture. The objectives will be to have attendees understand Benford’s Law and to be able to appreciate how this technique and other data interrogation techniques could be useful to uncover errors, biases, occurrences of fraud, and other data anomalies.

About Mr. Nigrini
Mark Nigrini, PhD, is an Associate Professor at The School of Business of The College of New Jersey where he teaches financial accounting, managerial accounting, and forensic accounting courses. His current line of research addresses continuous monitoring technologies and advanced theoretical work on Benford’s Law. He has presented many academic and professional seminars for accountants in North America with the audiences primarily comprising internal auditors in the public and private sectors. He has also presented seminars in Europe and in Asia. Nigrini is regularly scheduled for seminars in the U.S. and recently presented seminars in Singapore, Malaysia, and New Zealand.

FridayJune 10, 2011
Industry General Sessions

Robert Comment
Robert Comment

Comment is the recipient of the National Association of Certified Valuators and Analysts' 2011 Dr. Rosemarie "RO" Smith Academic Research Grant.
Business Valuation, DLOM and Daubert: The Issue of Redundancy

About this session

Business valuations are a common subject of dispute in tax and divorce litigation, with the valuation consequences of private\company status of a closely held (often family) business being especially contentious. It is not well known that core valuation methodologies such as DCF analysis have the effect of discounting the future cash flows of small businesses substantially, generally by 40% to 60%, dollar-for-dollar, for lack of size alone. Because there is a strong empirical relation between size and liquidity, there is a great likelihood that any supplemental discounting for illiquidity will be redundant and entail double discounting. Accordingly, the large liquidity discounts or DLOMs that are accepted practice in business valuation and that have been embraced by many judges presumptively violate the Daubert requirement for reliability.

About Mr. Comment
Robert Comment, MBA, PhD, AVA has taught Finance in the MBA programs at NYU, the University of Rochester, and Johns Hopkins University. He has served as Deputy Chief Economist at the Securities & Exchange Commission. His expert analysis has been submitted to arbitration panels, state and provincial courts, U.S. District Courts, and U.S. Courts of Appeals.
Warren Miller
Warren Miller
Value Maps/Value Enhancement

About this session

Practitioners in the valuation space are in a unique position to use a conventional engagement as a springboard to help client companies in other ways. They can do that either as part of the valuation process or in a separate consulting arrangement. In this session Warren Miller, who wrote Value Maps: Valuation Tools That Unlock Business Wealth (Wiley, 2010), showcases the use of the Value Maps Excel template to uncover those value added opportunities to serve clients.

About Mr. Miller
Dorothy Beckert and Warren Miller, MBA, CPA, CFA, ASA co-founded their firm in Tulsa in 1991. BECKMILL RESEARCH, LLC, originated the SPARC Framework and the Value MapSM, a proprietary tool that guides the use of firm-specific capabilities and resources to extend durability of competitive advantage and increase enterprise value. Now based in the Virginia countryside near Lexington, Va., the firm limits its work to value maps, litigation support, valuation, M&A, strategy (building new capabilities; related diversification; executive screening/recruiting/testing), exit planning (including succession and transitions, planned or not), and statistics-driven research (e.g., customer-loyalty surveys; stand-alone public comps analysis; employee-satisfaction surveys). Affiliate firms, BECKMILL EDUCATION, LLC, and BECKMILL CAPITAL, LLC, design/market webinars/‘live discussion’ classes and provide M&A services, respectively.
Register Now Download the 2011 Annual Consultants' Conference Catalog with the complete agenda, session descriptions, registration, and CPE details.
NASBA The Consultants' Training Institute® (CTI) is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be addressed to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors, 150 Fourth Avenue North, Suite 700, Nashville, TN 37219-2417. Web site:
National Association of Certified Valuators and Analysts
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Institute of Business Appraisers
Toll free: (800) 299-4130
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